I will always be a Jesus follower and I want to be clear about the Jesus I follow.
The Jesus I follow…..
Loves unconditionally which,
Removes cultural boundaries that separate us.
Always sees the Divine Spark within all humanity.
Embraces us for who we are, not who we could be.
Never stops reaching out to us and all creation.
Shows unending grace which,
Holds space for us in moments of brokenness.
Sits with us in the fire until we are ready to move.
Encourages us to get back up in times of failure.
Steps off the seat of judgement to embrace those in pain.
Challenges us to….
See Christ in ourselves and allow our divine spark to shine.
See Christ in others so their divine spark can shine.
Ask what love requires of us in every situation.
Hold space for others in times of brokenness.
To step off the seat of judgement to embrace those in pain.
That is the Jesus I follow.