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Writer's picture: Matt GeorgeMatt George

Paradigms can stop us and make following God a complicated puzzle.

Micah 6:8 simplifies the puzzle for us……


He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with

your God? -NRSV


If we are required to do justice,

Why do we resist it when it doesn’t fit our paradigm?

Kindness is easy to love until,

It no longer supports paradigm we subscribe to.

Walking humbly with our God is easy,

Unless we must look within and expand our paradigm’s.

How do we let go of the paradigm’s that trap us?


Maybe there is an answer in Mark 1:15 when Jesus kicks off his ministry by saying …..


“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, believe in the good news.” - NRSV


The Greek word for repent is METANOIA which means a PARADIGM SHIFT!

A mind explosion which allows us to accept the good news of an OMNI-LOVING God.

Who constantly and never-endingly shifts our paradigm towards God’s love.

Where we never truly know all the answers.

Allowing us to put back the forbidden fruit.

Where we no longer try to be like God and allow God to be God….


This allows us to do JUSTICE free of paradigms.

Endlessly loving KINDNESS, which draws all closer to God’s love.

Letting Go of knowing so we can walk HUMBLY with God.

Because the PARADIGMS no longer restrain us from following God.

Allowing us to hear what God has told us…..

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"God is a projectile not a projection." -Peter Rollins 

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Kids and Families Pastor

4 1/2 years at Humeridge Church Of Christ

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