I was listening to a song earlier today called, “Beautiful Things,” by Gungor. This song has played many times before, but something was different this time. There was a line, repeated throughout, in the song that seemed to penetrate my heart in a new way. It was like a bandage wrapping up the broken parts of my heart. The line was simple and repeated often as the main chorus.
“You make beautiful things out of dust.”
Beautiful things out of dust? Now I know God created humanity out of dust in the Genesis story, but I felt a deeper truth being hit by this line. Dust often tends to build up in our homes, when we are too caught up in the speed of life to maintain things as we desire. None of us want dust to build up in our homes, but sometimes there is no time to dust. Life continually throws curveballs making you pivot regularly. Leaving no time to dust the parts within that need to be dusted. This dust builds up higher and thicker making parts of our life that once filled us with warmth, instead fill us with dry coldness. This coldness brings an ache to our heart and leaves us struggling.
It is in these moments, when dust has flooded our life, that God is able to make beautiful things. These things will be different then we planned originally, but more beautiful than we ever imagined. God in these moments comes in and we are vulnerable, raw, authentic, and prideless. This allows us to remove the covers we have used to hide the dust. Then, in partnership with God, we hand the dust that have made things feel cold. We watch as the dust is turned into something that surprise us and is more beautiful than we ever imagined. Because God, “makes beautiful things out of dust.”